Thursday, April 15, 2010

Art Studio Incentives

In the beginning of the year, each class helps me make a list of rules and expectations for the artroom. They are also involved in reviewing expectations about their work, behavior, cooperation, and attitude in the classroom, related to the "CHAMPS" model. Once the guidelines are set, classes that follow the guidelines earn a Crayon Award each time they come to art. They save the awards on their Crayon Box Poster. When a class earns 25 awards, they celebrate. Ms. Green's 2nd grade class was the first class to earn 25 crayon awards.

On Wednesday, April 14, Ms. Green's 2nd grade class celebrated their hard work and good behavior with refreshments and a game of Win-Lose-or-Draw.


  1. They are such a well behaved class! They enjoy are your class!

  2. I am glad they have fun in art. I enjoy having them and am not surprised they earned the celebration first!

  3. Congratulations, Ms. Green's and Mr. Figueredo's class. I am so proud of your good work.
